NNYSHL/USAH Tie Breaker Rules
USA Hockey Rules used by NNYSHL
Tie Breaking Rules - Deter mine Standings Position
If two or more teams have an equal number of points, their position in the standings shall be determined by the following tie breaking rules listed below. If at any point during the application of the tie-breaking rules, any or all of the teams can be seeded higher or lower than the other teams, the seeded teams will be placed in their position in the standings and the tie-breaking process will begin at Step 1 for any teams that remain tied. (If all tied teams have not played each other, then proceed to Step 2). Note: A team may go into the tie breaking process having defeated another of the tied teams and still not advance.
The tie-breaker rules are as follows:
1. The results of the head-to-head games played between the tied teams in the following order:
a. Most points earned.
b. Most total wins (whether in regulation, overtime and shootout).
c. Most regulation wins.
d. Differential — Subtracting goals against from goals for in these games, the positions being determined in order of the greatest surplus. A maximum goal differential of plus or minus eight (8) per game will be used in tie-breaking rules.
e. Quotient — Dividing the goals for by the goals against in these games, the positions being determined in order of the greatest quotient. If a game has a goal differential of more than eight (8) goals, the goals for will be decreased until there is a maximum of eight (8) more than goals against in a given game prior to dividing (i.e. 10-1 game would use 9-1 for purposes of Quotient. A quotient involving dividing by zero (0) has higher standing than a quotient from dividing by any number other than zero (0). Where two or more teams have no goals against and the quotient tie breaker is required, the teams shall be ranked high to low in descending order of “goals for.”
f. Most periods won — In the games played by each tied team, points will be awarded for each regulation period won (2 points) and for each regulation period tied (1 point). Positions shall be in the order of highest point total.
2. If after applying the formulas of 1 a, b, c, d, e or f the tie still exists, the results of all the games played by the teams tied in the following order.
a. Most total wins (whether in regulation, overtime and shootout).
b. Most regulation wins.
c. Differential — Subtracting goals against from goals for in these games, the positions being determined in order of the greatest surplus. A maximum goal differential of plus or minus eight (8) per game will be used in tie-breaking rules
d. Quotient — Dividing the goals for by the goals against in these games, the positions being determined in order of the greatest quotient. If a game has a goal differential of more than eight (8) goals, the goals for will be decreased until there is a maximum of eight (8) more than goals against in a given game prior to dividing (i.e. 10-1 game would use 9-1 for purposes of Quotient. A quotient involving dividing by zero (0) has higher standing than a quotient from dividing by any number other than zero (0). Where two or more teams have no goals against and the quotient tie breaker is required, the teams shall be ranked high to low in descending order of “goals for.”
e. Most periods won — In the games played by each tied team, points will be awarded for each regulation period won (2 points) and for each regulation period tied (1 point). Positions shall be in the order of highest point total.
f. Lowest number of penalty minutes – Calculate the number of penalty minutes accrued during all preliminary round games. The teams shall be ranked low to high in ascending order of “penalty minutes for.”
g. Quickest first goal — The team that scored the quickest goal in their preliminary round games shall be ranked highest.
3. If the above procedure does not break the tie, the teams shall use a shootout procedure as previously described.
4. Note: If a team forfeits any of its games, and becomes involved in any tie breaking formula to determine its eligibility to advance to the next level of play, the team forfeits all games in the round robin play and the games are recorded as 1-0 victories for the non-offending team.