How to find Team Contacts

1.Navigate to your TEAM PAGE

Navigate to your team page by logging in to your Account at the top left of the page (or in the navigation drop-down on a mobile device) and then click on TEAMS found in the left navigation bar. The team(s) your are assigned to as staff will now be displayed. You must use the same email address as the one your club used to assign you as STAFF to your team or you will not see your team(s). Click on the team in the division you need contacts for.

2. Click on CONTACTS

Once on your team page, click CONTACTS that is now displayed, on desktop, this will show up to the left. On a mobile device, click the down arrow to the right of your team name.


  1. From the HOME page of the website Click on DIVISIONS, navigate and click on the Division you need Contacts for.
  2. Click on any team in that Division, this takes you to their HOME page
  3. Click on CONTACTS from the left menu bar, this takes you to the contact list for that Division.
  4. From there you can go to the contact page of any playing level in that Division by using the pull down menu found to the right of the LEAGUE CONTACTS title. Just choose the next playing level you would like to view!

Contacts are only available to STAFF, you must be logged into Crossbar to view Contacts.

Confirm Delete
Click the delete icon again to confirm. Click escape to cancel.